実写の印象では、カラー・バランスがやや黄味がかっているようにも思うが、それよりも Super-Angulon-R 21mm/f4
とも Type II とも違うおとなしい描写をする。階調表現も「まったり」しており、また別の個性が見て取れる。開放では像が甘いが極端な収差は感じられない。また、気になる歪曲も直線を意識させない構図にすれば許容範囲である。色はこってりと載るが、ちょっとヌケが悪い印象がある。
This lens has
an old construction the typical appearance of which symbolized
in the large front element. The modern construction overcame
it by increasing the number of elements drastically. It is indeed
a great appearance which reminds us that we are using a wide
angle lens.
Color balance seemed to a littel yellow-shift and we see the mild-character which is different from both Super-Angulon-R 21mm/f4 and its successor. The picture is not crisp enough at full aperture, however there is little aberration. Distortion is acceptable when one can carefully choose the composition. Color rendering is superb with a bit lack of clearness.
作例に進む。(click here for sample photos)