おそらく、ライカRレンズのベスト3を挙げよ!といった類の質問に対して殆どの人が「必ず」投票するであろうレンズ。発売当初は品薄状態が続いたが、現在でもその人気に揺らぎは無い。レンズ先端に装着する専用の ELPRO 1:2-1:1.1 Attachment が無ければ、等倍撮影出来ないという「やや」時代遅れのスペックにかかわらず、マクロの王道を驀進中である。
Modern construction, doesn't go for 1:1 without ELPRO 1:2-1:1.1 attachment which is the only weak point of the lense. Other than that, this is a lense with flawless performance.
Beautifully engraved figures and depth of field lines. Even the beautifully knurled rings are no longer available, for practical handling, the rubber ring is useful, instead.
作例に進む。(Click to see sample images.)
Many R-enthusiasts vote for this lense as one of the best lense amongst Leica R-Lenses and they will even vote for the best lenses amongst ALL the Macro Lenses fall into this category. It is a lense which covers almost all application with a high-level satisfaction to the photographer by its sharp image and high-contrast, yet the rendering of the tone is silky smooth. The only tip for the practical use is that since this lense itself is somewhat for the Macro photography so that the high-contrast situation such as under the strong sun-light might give a image 'too contrasty' as well as 'too sharp'.
In my opinion, this is a kind of lense which can be called a 'leviathan'.
R9に装着した Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100mm/f2.8。尚、レンズには専用三脚座 (STA-1 14636) を装着している。手前は等倍撮影を可能にするための専用 ELPRO (ELPRO 1:2-1:1 FOR R 2.8/100 16545)である。
R9 with Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100mm/f2.8. The lense is attached with STA 1(14636) which enables the lense to be placed securely on the tripod. The lense, next to Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100mm/f2.8, is ELPRO (16545) which enables to reach 1:1 close-up.
ELPRO (16545) の内容、右からレンズ・フロント・キャップ、フード、レンズ本体、レンズ・リア・キャップ。
The ELPRO, from right, front cap, hood, lense and lense rear cap.